Though many people may be familiar with Edna’s landscapes taken in and around Fair Haven, she took her camera with her on trips to other areas. If you can identify any of these places, let us know.
Five Puppies, circa 1914 – Ida and Harley Stevenson, third and fourth from the left. Can you identify the other three children? Could this house be at North Fair Haven?
Sarah Kosboth Green, age 85 – Edna’s grandmother at home on Ontario Street. Edna used specially made postcard stock to develop photos as individual post cards, known as “real photo postcards.” The negatives was laid directly on top of the card stock and exposed to sunlight, one copy at a time. (Mass produced commercial postcards were printed on printing presses, not by photographic processing.)
The Kitten – Portrait photography requires more than the clicking of a shutter. Setting up the shot is part of the process. It appears that Enda placed this kitten’s mother to the right of her camera to encourage the kitten to gaze in her direction.
Edna and her son, George, in a self-portrait, circa 1919.
Self-portrait, circa 1903 – It is uncertain if Edna had a remote shutter release cable for photos such as this, or if she set up the shot and asked someone else to click the shutter release