October 31, 2021 – Halloween
April 26, 2021 – Full moon over Little Sodus Bay
Matilda asks, “Do Great Blue Herons stay up past their bed time when the moon is full?” Who can answer this for her?
Tom Rasbeck had his family’s home movies converted to video. Among the shots captured on film were these three clips of the wedding of Elizabeth Frost and Don Hadcock, June 15, 1946. The first half is the footage as it was originally taken. Following this are the same clips with a couple of titles. Continue reading “Rasbeck Home Movies – The Wedding”
This is my first attempt at video editing. This 16mm film from 1931 was listed on eBay. I had the film digitized and this is the first few minutes of the film showing Main Street in Fair Haven. I will post the rest of the film when time allows.
We do not know who the photographer was. It appears to be a family from elsewhere on vacation. They are staying in one of the cottages on Pierson Point.
I assume that other people will have old home movies from various eras in Fair Haven’s history. Perhaps we can start a video collection.
July 27, 2019 Continue reading “A Fair Haven Sunset”